Acrylic and oil Painting DVDs
The Cure for Amateurish paintings:Master Artist Daniel Edmondson has created a best-selling system of painting DVDs. The set is compiled of 10 DVDs and each DVD teaches you how to paint a different painting. By the end of the class you will have painted 10 new paintings. The system will build upon foundations from the previous DVDs, yet can be interchangeable because each DVD is designed to teach painting brushstroke by brushstroke start to finish. The DVDs will help you learn painting in a quick and enjoyable way. You’ll save money by focusing on what aspects are most important in painting and ignoring the rest. The DVDs lead you step by step showing you everything from which colors to mix, which brushes to use, moving through each element of the painting and further the DVD explains why these steps are crucial to painting successfully. Daniel Edmondson’s students exhibit great improvement from beginning painters to award winning artists. Both Still Life and Landscape DVD courses. This course is great for both Acrylic and Oil painters.*
more about the course: 10 different DVDs 10 DVDs take you from start to finish for each of the ten paintings presented. You get to jump right in and create a beautiful painting start to finish your first day (yes, even today!). No boring lectures on theory…all is explained to you, as you are painting each of the paintings. Then 10 videos on selling your paintings online. Special rare bonus: you get interact with the artist Daniel Edmondson with questions and get video critiques of your paintings if you want them. ***this is a special limited time BONUS*** (additional Bonus just added: Videos on how To sell paintings on the internet...How I sold over 250 paintings in one year on eBay and off a blog that you will learn how to set up too) Watch a short preview lesson NOW:
actual online version and DVD version larger and higher quality ![]() Learn to create backgrounds By the end of this course you will know how to paint one of the most elusive painting elements: the background. Learn to create backgrounds that are beautiful and varied from abstract to smooth and quiet. You will understand the difference between backgrounds and background information and how to use that to create more compelling paintings.
learn how to translate You will learn how to translate what you see instead of just copying what is in front of you. This is what all top professional artists do to create that special magic you see in their paintings.
You will discover the secrets of how to keep it simple and have fun start to finish throughout the painting process. Easy to understand concepts you probably have not heard before This course is designed for everyone with easy to understand concepts you probably have not heard before. Beginners get the information fresh and undiluted and the more experienced painter will get the treat of all those ah hah moments that comes when an elusive concept becomes clear as mountain water. Click here to see my Landscape Painting DVDs Why still life one of the best way to learn?
Click Here for my new 10 DVD 10 Painting course: Landscape oil painting DVDs
Printed materials to go along with the lessons to help clear-up any reoccurring problems artists are having. No questions asked no nonsense money back guarantee: Watch the first DVD and if not thrilled with the information provided just return the DVD & the remaining unopened 9 lessons for a full refund including shipping charges. Start today: you can visit our members only websites and get the lessons on-line as well as lesson appropriate tips and post your paintings for feed back and interaction from others.
About Master Artist Daniel Edmondson “You must look beneath the surface of the varnish and layers of paint into the intricate creations of Daniel Go from middle of the pack to TOP of your CLASS in 10 DVDs and 10 Paintings! How the 10 DVD 10 Painting Starter course works: - Once you invest in the course you will receive by email Photos of a still life set-up, not only a photo of a still life but close-ups of the important features of the still life. These photos will be ready to print either from your printer or from your local photo store or drug store. You also can work from your computer monitor if you prefer. This is so you can start right away. You will receive photos for each 10 paintings. - You will receive online Videos and DVDs by mail for each lesson (you will get all 10 DVDs right away in the mail) |
Still have questions? e-mail at
The course is completely self will get the DVDs in the mail usually within a week and I will email out the reference photos/videos every time you complete the previous lesson. For example I had one woman so excited about the course that she finished it in 4 weeks and a traveling business man who took 11 months to do it...most take a little longer than 10 weeks but you choose how fast you want to work. You can even get it now and lock in the lowest price and wait until after the holidays to start.
10 DVD 10 Painting course and access to
Online versions Too!
Bonus #1:
10 - Painting critiques and Q&A by Daniel Edmondson
Bonus #2:
Videos on how to
price and sell your paintings online through eBay or a Blog and this is
where Daniel Edmondson reveals his secrets on how he sold over 200
paintings online in less than a year
For a total of
66% Off
for a limited time only
and Save $ limited time offer
only 2 payments of $97(includes shipping to US)*
you will only be charged one payment of $97 now and one in 1 month. OR save $2.05 with Single payment option $179 plus S/H of $12.95 (US)
*NO HASSLE 30 DAY GUARANTEE: Watch the first lesson and if not happy with the information provided just return the DVD within 30 days & the remaining unopened 9 DVD lessons for a full refund including shipping charges. international Shipping: there is an extra $10 US fee for overseas shipping: overseas orders click here if you want to send a check or want a payment plan just drop us an email. CONTACT: Edmondson Studio 8156 South
Wadsworth Boulevard Unit E - 462 attn: Sales: Jerylynn Edmondson (970) 980-3123 email: Edmondson Studio if you don't do anything else get get subscribed to receive Free weekly Painting Tips
Watch this free tip on how light and color behaves I guarantee you might learn something
*disclaimer: Even though some people do get better at painting, make more sales, and become better artists from my product, I simply can’t guarantee that you will get better at painting, make more sales, and become a better artist. In fact, you may get worse from watching me. I think that it would be extremely difficult to watch my DVDs and online videos and get worse rather than better but I have to say that it can happen.
Starter Still Life Course Landscape course Portrait Course NEW
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