Oil Painting Workshop - Online Classes and DVDs - Italy France Workshops

Acrylic and oil Painting DVDs and Classes created by Master Teacher and Artist: Daniel Edmondson



click here:   10 DVD - 10 Painting Starter Course

*** The most popular Best-Selling program ***




click here: How to paint Landscapes

*10 DVDs 10 Paintings*








more cool stuff:



I continue to be amazed at how great your teaching videos are......I learn so, so much by watching you paint.*

…. got 1st place for the black urn and flowers. A huge thank you. You have made a huge difference in my life and I am so very thankful to you!!!*

I didn't know I enjoy painting so much before :). I guess I will just keep painting and see how good I can get. I am glad I have found you as my teacher. I've learned so much for just 3 lessons. I am sure I will be better and better...*

I looooove this....first time I've felt like I may have some modicum of talent. *               more...


"Seven (7) Common Often UNRECOGNIZED Mistakes Handout that artists make in their paintings..."


mistakes I used to make too (the bad paintings in the handout are mine)


PLUS My Awesome Weekly Painting Tips Videos



*disclaimer: Even though some people do get better at painting, make more sales, and become better artists from my product, I simply can’t guarantee that you will get better at painting, make more sales, and become a better artist. In fact, you may get worse from watching me. I think that it would be extremely difficult to watch my DVDs and online videos and get worse rather than better but I have to say that it can happen.


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