Oil Painting: Checking The Nets


Checking The Nets




Daniel Edmondson Classes & DVDs


Demonstration Of Checking The Nets



PRE-MIX the color values you'd be using. A lot of the colors in here are in the blue family whereas the water leans toward the green family and the sky to the purple family. Start by sketching in the rocks with black and some TOR (Transparent Oxide Red) with a touch of WALNUT OIL. To achieve the "FOGGY" look you could so by GLAZING.






Once you've sketched it and have gotten a feel of where you'd want things to go then you can now place in some colors for the sky and the water. Utilize you brush and you palette knife for this. Be sure to REMOVE the HAIRS that peel off from the brush as you see them. Make sure the color HARMONY flows SMOOTHLY.





As soon as you get all the water and sky settled in you may now start with the COLOR TRANSITION that occur near the rocks. Make sure that the color you use are NOT TOO COLORFUL unless this is what you want. Use BRIGHT colors to mark the waves that CRASH into the rocks. You can also apply this on the waves that crash into each other. TWISTING the brush as you do this can help the paint come off.


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Try to work a little it on the boat and the fisherman while working on the sky. Take note of the COLOR INTENSITIES as you do these. DO NOT let the colors be TOO THICK so as to prevent it from being part of the water. You can use a PALETTE KNIFE to QUIET it down.



You can now focus on the FISHERMAN and his BOAT. You'd need to use SMALLER BRUSHES for this. The EASIEST way to do this is to draw the OUTLINE of the BOAT. Get the DRAWING right first. Once you got this right you can just come back on the PIECES of paint and RE-ESTABLISH them.



Start working on the FISHERMAN afterwards using the LIGHT & BLACK colors. You can work on the NET afterwards using colors that are a little more DARK. Use YELLOW OCHRE for the floaters attached to the net. Add a little bit of CAD LEMON on the floaters as well.





You Have SUCCESSFULLY Painted the Painting!


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Copyright 2016 Daniel Edmondson